Something still feels off.
You invest in the most bio-available form of supplements but
You still can’t move the needle.
You Workout 7 days a week and prioritize cardio and strength but
You still feel like blah
You show up for yourself, you’re committed, you invest time and money in educating yourself and meeting with practitioners, you effectively communicate things with your doctor and yet …
You still don’t feel heard, you’re drained at the end of the day, you just know something is not being optimized and it feels *impossible* to identify that in order to catch a break and just ENJOY your life.
Here’s the truth of why the answer could be lying in your DNA. Because your genes respond to every choice you make, having the roadmap to what your genes are designed to crave might be the greatest life hack of all times.
There’s a reason you struggle to recover from workouts, there’s a reason your body is hanging onto weight, there’s a reason your hormones seem to be stuck and I want you to know that relief is possible. Your DNA has the power to reveal to us information like never before. Information like how your body responds to certain types of workouts, how your body prefers to optimize detox pathways, if your gut has what it needs to heal, absorb, and repair from toxin exposure, and so much more.
You have a calling on your life, and in order to show up for that you have to FEEL great. It’s time to claim health and healing, get your energy back, lose the weight, heal your gut, balance your hormones, know what to eat, know how to workout, and it’s time to find out if you even need the collagen or the bone broth to be healthy. Yes! Even the things we think we are supposed to be doing, might not be good for what our DNA was designed for.
Your DNA never changes, so you only ever have to take this test ONCE. That’s right. Use this information to gain immense clarity and insight into your own health and as you continue to get bi-annual or annual data through bloodwork, GI Map, HTMA, etc…. everything can be viewed through the lens of your unique genetic makeup when creating the most dialed in healing protocol that WORKS.
Your genetic blueprint has the power to offer you an incredible amount of healing, physically, mentally, and emotionally. WHY ARE YOU WAITING? This could quite possibly the best health investment you’ll ever make for yourself when it comes to optimizing health and utilizing preventative interventions.
Genomics is an expansive field of study that’s taking the wellness world by storm with unprecedented accuracy and personalized insights, proving the science behind how your body responds to environmental factors including nutrition, sleep, stress, toxin exposure, and more.
You can strategically integrate your wellness approach based on what exactly works best for YOU, and what doesn’t, for a streamlined approach to wellness results like never before.
This is the secret to holistic healing, vitality, prevention, and longevity.
Epigenetics is the study of how your unique DNA patterns interact with environmental factors, including diet, exercise, stress levels, and sleep. By learning how your specific chemical reactions function best, you can take trial-and-error out of the equation.
If you’ve ever wished that you knew just what would work for your body before trying yet another diet, workout, or lifestyle approach… If you’ve ever felt like you wasted money on supplements or couldn’t really tell if your vitamins were doing anything for you… then stop guessing, and start testing!
Yes! Lab tests like GI Maps, HTMA, bloodwork, etc.. are great tools to see what is going on in the body for up to 1-3 months at at a time, but ultimately they are not looking at your specific genetic makeup that can influence how your body receives healing. Other labs that look at blood, urine, or stool change quite variably. They are great for showing what’s happening in your body at the time of sample collection, whereas your genes don’t change so you always have that information to look back on.
Genetics help us to see how your body is literally wired to perform optimally. Adjustments to your lifestyle, such as sleeping/exercising/eating for your unique body can allow you to see inflammation drop quickly and easily because you’re giving your body exactly what it wants, without guessing.
Accuracy is actually superior to most other functional labs, bloodwork, etc. because of the degree of variability in most other chemistries. Genes are quite remarkable since they aren’t so “fluid.”
There aren’t tests to measure expression of specific genes, and this is why we consult face-to-face. Working with an epigenetics practitioner can help you understand how your genes are currently being expressed. Just because you have a genetic variant doesn’t mean the gene is being expressed. Expression is what you’re currently feeling, current health concerns, etc.
Valid concern! Unlike Direct-to-Consumer tests that openly sell your data to pharmaceutical companies, the company I’m working with uses a barcode and your email to track test kits and results. This test is designed for clinical use and application, so it’s far more secure and in-depth than any DIY kit on the market. The process is entirely secure, from a private CLIA-certified and CAP-accredited lab with the highest standards.
Also, raw test data is only stored in the lab database for 90 days and can be deleted upon your request. Your information is never sold, unlike many products that are marketed and sold Direct-to-Consumer. The lab I use does not ask for your social security number, only your email address for kit registration purposes. The entire process can be done anonymously if you wish. Simply put, I use a private label practitioner- grade kit with the largest genetic array on the market. If you’ve ever had any lab work done, you likely already have far more data stored than this test will ever connect to you.
It’s truly night and day! The clinical test I use actually has a proprietary screening panel that currently tests 120,000 more SNPs (genetic markers) than any other consumer test on the market, many of them including lifestyle and longevity variables that help to create an extremely holistic wellness plan unique to YOU.
The real value here is in expert interpretation and reading. An auto- generated report can tell you information about your genes, but it doesn’t consult with you about your current concerns, or provide actionable lifestyle shifts that are in your best interest. In order to understand how to implement all this data, a human expert touch is key. Automated testing, no matter how advanced, cannot account for a
person’s lived experiences, medical history, and lifestyle choices. This is where epigenetics is in a league of its own.
The field of epigenetics proves that your entire medical history, lifestyle such as dietary/exercise/stress management choices, toxin exposures, even your emotional health all have a specific effect on activating or deactivating genetic expression. This test, combined with your lived experiences and input create a perfect combo
Professional, clinical-grade analysis is a completely different investment, actually teaching you how to activate your genetic pathways where you need support most. You’ll learn how to streamline your wellness approach into only what matters, when it comes to food, supplements, hormones, immunity, longevity, and so much more.
Only once! Just another reason why Epigenetics Coaching is so valuable… you test once and you have your codes, FOREVER! You can use this data with any physician or other healthcare practitioner to develop your ideal wellness plan as your needs evolve over your lifetime. Many medications and supplements can be tailored to your specific needs based on your results.
The testing doesn’t need to be repeated. The results of the test won’t be changed, but other health markers would be reflective. Simply put, you’ll FEEL a difference! If you want to measure other metrics such as blood labs, then changes will likely show up there. The other chemistries are a measure of what’s happening NOW compared to your genes, which are more so your body’s blueprint for health optimization.
This testing compliments many tests well, but it also takes the place of many tests. There’s no need to wait, since your genes won’t change!
The faster you start the process, the faster you’ll have answers. Other labs that look at your blood, urine, or stool change quite variably, so I encourage you to give your epigenetics protocol at least 90 days to reflect positive improvements before investing in other labs.
Nutrition: Optimize your metabolism. Heal your gut. Drop the diets that don’t work and learn what’s most efficient for YOU! Learn which foods work best, potential food sensitivities and triggers, fats digestion and preference, appetite and satiety, sugar craving/behavioral insights, and more. This panel includes the following insights:
Sleep + Systematic Stress: Ready to sleep like a baby? Or just wish you could chill out? Identify areas of support and brain chemistry propensities. This panel includes the following insights:
o Sleep Disruption / Movement
Detox Pathways: This category alone can save you a small fortune if you’re having complex signs of distress. Sometimes success is beyond controlling input and more about optimizing detox and output. Identify details of multiple phases that impact your hormonal balance, toxic load handling, cellular aging and repair, and much more. This panel includes the following insights:
Micronutrients/Supplementation: Address micronutrient needs, vitamin conversion, gut health, and absorption. Ditch the multivitamins and learn how you can save money by streamlining only what you need most. This panel includes the following insights:
Hormones: Beyond the blood / urine labs that change ALL the time… your genetic hormone insights can show you the fastest path to
optimization. Additional labs can be helpful but most often aren’t necessary to get even better, longer-lasting results. This panel includes the following insights:
Body Composition: Work SMARTER, not harder! Optimize your physical activity plan and overcome metabolic hurdles with insights on preferences. This panel includes the following insights:
You will see foundational sensitivities to major food groups, which alleviates the need to follow through with many standalone intolerance tests. Many food sensitivities are not true allergies, but rather intolerances. This means that your body may not respond well to certain things, especially if sensitivities are showing up that haven’t always been there. Generally, this can point to gut inflammation stemming from something larger, so your genetics will show the root causes that could trigger food sensitivities.
In most cases, once you address the root cause, food sensitivities will diminish or even go away relatively quickly! With other forms of
testing, you are likely not identifying the root cause, so even eliminating specific foods will not correct the signs of inflammation.
In short, NO. It’s quite the opposite, and the truth is, genes don’t really work that way… at least not Epigenetics. Nearly all disease (over 80%) is preventable through lifestyle choices, and this is exactly what I’m striving to do; empower you to make your own best decisions to positively impact your health.
Even if you have a family history and/or genetic predispositions, nothing is ever set in stone! That’s simply not how genes work. This panel focuses on high impact, actionable interventions and prevention.
No, this test does not look at diagnostic genes. We are not looking for disease causation, rather looking at health optimization and prevention.
No, autosomal typically refers to being registered into a database of sorts, where you may be contacted by potential relatives as they match with you. Short answer– absolutely NOT! Never will we do this!
There aren’t really any contraindications to testing, since the body’s chemistries being sampled aren’t impacted by current health status, medications, age, hormones, etc.
Note: It is recommended to wait at least one week after taking antibiotics to test, as antibiotics can skew results. Otherwise, anyone one month or older can benefit from testing!
These statements have been modified from the Designer Genes certification.
The information on this website is intended as professional advice only from a functional nutritional therapy perspective. Nothing on this website should be used in place of a medical provider to diagnose or treat any illness.