Karpós Wellness

Wellness for the BODY, MIND & SOUL

at karpós wellness, we believe

Each Person is Uniquely Different.

Each person has unique dietary needs based on childhood diets, stress levels, family histories, genetics, gut terrain, age, lifestyle, and more. Our doors have been open since 2015 with a rebrand in 2022 and we’ve had the privilege to work with hundreds of clients all over the United States.

Everything we do is tailored to each individual and we purposefully don’t rely on self-denial or willpower, but rather on education, empowerment, and restoration.

at karpós wellness, we believe

Each Person is Uniquely Different.

Each person has unique dietary needs based on childhood diets, stress levels, family histories, genetics, gut terrain, age, lifestyle, and more. Our doors have been open since 2015 with a rebrand in 2022 and we’ve had the privilege to work with hundreds of clients all over the United States.

Everything we do is tailored to each individual and we purposefully don’t rely on self-denial or willpower, but rather on education, empowerment, and restoration.

Healing takes time, patience, flexibility, strategy, and hard work.

You have what it takes.
our approach


There are several different aspects of whole health, not just food. Together, we will explore it all — everything that makes you, you. We work with each person to see what’s behind the surface and then use nutrient-dense whole foods, targeted supplements, necessary lab tests, and other stress-management tools to create a targeted plan that works for YOU. Our goal is to get to the root of your symptoms in order to gain more insight into what’s driving them in the first place, in order to support your body foundationally.

Health Concerns

Supported by karpós wellness


Bacterial/Fungal Overgrowth
Food Sensitivities
H. Pylori
Leaky Gut
Special Diets


Adrenal Function
Insulin Sensitivity
Immune Health
Kidney + Liver Function
Thyroid Health


Coming off of Birth Control

and more!

Behind the Name

Karpós Wellness

In Matthew 7:15-20, the Bible warns us against following those who claim to be filled with truth,

but are foundationally broken and even evil—intentionally distracting us from God. These people cross our path and claim to be real, honorable, and trustworthy, yet deep down they are on the prowl for destruction. One way to recognize this is by observing the fruit of a person’s life to see how they truly are in many different areas. A healthy person cannot bear diseased fruit so it’s important to look deeper than the surface in order to prayerfully discern the truth and only follow Jesus.

At Karpos Wellness, we believe that every physical symptom presented in the body is the result of something deeper–Something is driving it at the root of the body and that is what we want to support in order for them to die away. Our mission is not just to look at the surface-level symptoms and assume what may be going on, but rather to spend intentional time observing many layers of the situation including health history, current lifestyle, stress levels, and more in order to get a more complete picture of what’s driving unwanted symptoms in order to support the body as a whole and really see lasting results.

The New Testament Greek word for fruit is Karpos and thus the name for our holistic wellness company was born. In this space, you can expect nutrition advice as well as emotional health, boundaries, mental health, and spiritual health. We are whole people with many layers that need tending to when lasting health and results are desired. This kind of healing does not rely on quick fixes or pills that just mask the symptoms—it takes time, intentionality, and space and that is what we are here to provide for you.”

I’m here to help YOU find freedom at the root.

I feel like a different person since being on this gut protocol. Whenever I'm doing it, I feel good and I feel normal again. I wish I had known this information 10 years ago. I've been suffering unnecessarily.
My progress chart and improved levels are proving it. I told my therapist that the lies of "I can't change" "I'm unhealthy" and "I'm going to die" are not there really at all anymore because I'm actively disproving them.
Working with Meredyth was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! Not only is my overall health better from when I began, but also mentally and emotionally I am in a much better place. She helped find the root cause of my medical issues I so desperately needed! My mindset around health and food has totally changed. I walked away from every visit with Meredyth feeling encouraged and equipped to make the changes my body and life needed in order to thrive.
Four months with Meredyth has been more valuable than years of mindful eating and fad diets.
All of my goals were met! I feel immensely better and to be honest I didn’t expect this.
Just looking at the numbers themselves (digestion issues diminishing, weight loss), I am blown away with the progress that I was able to make with Meredyth to help in this period of time. In the past I wasted so much time trying different diets that weren’t really supposed to be diets-think the whole 30, paleo, etc.-but I’d finish them without any true understanding of what I needed or even feeling like there was anything accomplished. In just three months Meredyth was able to help me understand what exactly my body was asking for this whole time. She made it simple.
There wasn’t any huge period of time where I cut out the foods that I loved (or the drinks ). There wasn’t any calorie counting. Everything was manageable. And at the end of our time together I feel more prepared to face my food woes with confidence and honestly with less stress. I lost 15 pounds, which was never a main goal, but is a place that my body feels great at!
Meredyth herself is an Angel. As a practitioner, she achieves a perfect balance between being non-judgment and motivating. There was never any shame involved, but I still felt encouraged to make the choice that was going to help me from moment to moment. As a human she’s easy to talk to, kind, and relatable. I recommend Meredith to anyone who will listen. If you’re feeling stuck in your health journey, I hope you reach out to Meredith. Side note: I’m a bride and hiring Meredith to help me prepare for my wedding was the best money I’ve spent, second to maybe my dress!
I'm really enjoying this process. I found relief immediately. I’ve told everyone about this!

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